
Teddy Bear’s Picnic!

19th June 2024

What a day for a Teddy Bear's Picnic! The sun was shining for Miss Cowan's class and their special visitors today!  It was teddies galore!! A bubble machine was the highlight of our morning!...

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The Gathering Drum

13th June 2024

Joe from the Gathering Drum visited nursery today ... we all loved the drums and the tunes we played! ...

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Retelling Stories

12th June 2024

Miss Cowan's class loved today's story so much they re-enacted it for themselves! ...

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Men’s Health Week

10th June 2024

It’s Men's Health Week This week is dedicated to focusing on the physical, mental and emotional health of men and boys. Amidst the demands of parenthood, dads can inadvertently neglect their...

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Free School Meals 2024/25

7th June 2024

Free School Meals and Uniform Grant Applications opens 18th June. Request proof of benefits letter now! If you are applying for Free School Meals and Uniform Grant and are in receipt of one of the...

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Sports Session

6th June 2024

Mr Cowan came to play sports with us all today!  We had great fun! ...

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Nursery Fun

20th May 2024

We were busy in nursery today enjoying both indoor and outdoor activities!...

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Bumble Bees

13th May 2024


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Help Kids Talk

7th May 2024

Bath time is a great time to develop language through an everyday activity. Your child can learn lots of new words while you wash and play. Here are some words we have thought of… can you come...

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Metal Detectors

25th April 2024


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Snack Outside

25th April 2024

We are enjoying the drier days and getting to eat our snack outside....

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Food Tasting Session

24th April 2024

Today we tasted some fruits with seeds in them for our new topic all about growing! We tasted Strawberries and avocado! Tomorrow at snack we will investigate what other seeds are in our snack!...

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Talking Cactus

24th April 2024

We really enjoyed our walkie talkie Cactus today. He copied everything we said and it was great fun recording each other ?...

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Pre School Places

23rd April 2024

This Thursday, 25 April, parents/guardians will receive the outcome of their Pre-School (Stage 1) or Primary 1 application for September 2024. Applicants who applied online via EA Connect will...

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Ships Ahoy!

21st April 2024

Carrying on with the class topic of Pirates, Miss Cowan's class had their Pirate party today. They visited Ballyhenry Primary School and went 'sailing' on their boat and they went on a treasure...

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Class Fun

19th April 2024

We enjoy spending time in the classroom with our friends....

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Outdoor Spring Clean

18th April 2024

We have been enjoying getting outside and cleaning our outdoor area in preparation for the summer. ...

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Mark Making

18th April 2024

We are really enjoying using chalk outside! We have been mark making, colouring and working together!...

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Outside Fun

16th April 2024

We have been enjoying being outisde playing hopscotch!...

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